Sunday, 21 October 2012

biorąwszy dziś kąpiel popodróżową przypomniała mi się niadawna historia pewnego specyfiku.
jako osoba na suchoty skórne cierpiąca, nieznaczne może, lecz jednak, pewnegoż dnia po obmyciu postanowiłam odszukać specyfik niegdyś z ziemi ojczystej przywieziony. odnalazłam. rózowate podłużne opakowanie, butelka jakby czy coś. spoczko. poczęłam obsmarowywać obficie i pieczołowicie wszelkie zakamarki mej formy fizycznej, ale coś jakby szło opornie. no ale nic myślę, dawno żem nie używała, może zapomniałam, że to taki 'feel'. następnie myślę 'ależ jaja byłyby, jakby to jednak nie balsam cielesny był, a kąpielowy'. no i pacze i jest. i głupia, niemalże spóźniona musiałam kolejny prysznic odbyć, wodę życiodajną marnotrawić, a i potem się nie nawilżałam, bo i czasu nie było.
jakiż to projektant nicpoń wymyśla opakowania, gdzie komplementarne, acz diametralnie inne w zastosowaniu, produkty różnią się tym, że jeden dnem do dołu, a drugi dnem do góry się stawia?
bulwers milion. ziemia płacze.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

She wants what very few people know how to give. She wants all the simple things. Not many people know how to do simple anymore. She wants grilled cheese sandwiches at home dipped in ketchup served on a paper plate, not dinner at an expensive restaurant. She wants to sit on the beach at sunset, not some far away exotic vacation. She wants a handwritten note that says I care about you, not some piece of jewelry that was financed over three years. She wants you to brush her hair, not send her to some spa for a day.

And she wants things even simpler than that. Simple things that it seems like we have all forgotten. She wants you to ask her before you kiss her for the first time and the second. She wants you to hold her hand while you're watching re-runs together on the couch. She wants you to look at her when you talk to her. You guys, not just you, but so many guys have it all wrong. You think it is about where you take her and what you buy her for her birthday and for Christmas and you think it is about figuring out how her mind works. You think it is about being the best lover she ever had and you think it is about what she thinks of your career and your friends and your families and you think it is about all kinds of things that would never matter to her. 

As far as she's concerned, you can go out with the guys as often as you like. She *wants* you to have fun and enjoy yourself. You can have a job that keeps you and calls you away from home. She wants you to be happy with your work and she wants you to succeed. You can be so-so in bed. She wants to learn your body and have you learn hers. You can be greedy and selfish and demanding from time to time. She wants to work things through with you. You can see her once a week or once a month. She just wants to make the most of the time you get together. 

What does she want? That’s what someone asked. All she wants is to be loved, simply. Just like she loves everything in her life. There is no complex formula to the way she lives. Everything for her is simple and easy because everything comes from her heart. She wants to be loved from your heart. And no one in her life has done that yet because people spend way too much time over-thinking things and over-analyzing things and doing stupid things and finding reasons not to just love from the heart.

- Jonathan Carroll podobno. 

Znalezione. Prawdziwe. Niemozliwe.
I gdzie jest milosc mojego zycia? Kolezanka mowi, ze sie przygotowuje... bo kiedy sie spotkamy, bedzie pieknie i wspaniale. Ale niechze sie pospieszy no. Mi tu smierc w oczy zaglada powoli.